Prairie Band Health Services Wins Again

Portland Indian Health Service Recognizes Value in Utilizing 8(a) Tribal Firm
Prairie Band Health Services, Inc. (PBHS) has been awarded a multi-option year competitive contract to perform medical professional staffing services for the Portland Area Indian Health Services (IHS) in the Pacific Northwest. The performance is anticipated to take place over a five-year period.
PBHS CEO John Holtz said: “This is yet another exciting opportunity for the Prairie Band team. Prairie Band Health Services looks forward to assisting Portland IHS in their mission to raise the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest level.”
Prairie Band, LLC CEO Jacob Wamego said: “There is no time in recent history when healthcare was of such paramount importance. We are excited to be recognized as a premier service provider by our clients. We are ready to continue exceeding the expectations of our customers and growing our business.”
Prairie Band Health Services, Inc. is an SBA 8(a) certified firm owned by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s economic development company, Prairie Band, LLC. PBHS is a medical and professional services offeror that provides solutions to the federal government, tribal governments, and corporate clients throughout the United States. PBHS is headquartered on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation near Mayetta, Kansas.
Media Contacts:
Prairie Band Health Services
John Holtz, CEO